" God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow,
and sun without rain, but he did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears and light for the way "
I was going through my facebook, and suddenly this one picture reminds me of the old time in hostel.
Memories. Flashback.
haha. How mischievous am I back then
bila ingat balik, malu kot.
now, dekat bilik, baring2, bersenang-lenang, cuti raya
back then, masa dekat hostel, ada masa je pergi sental baju
tak pun paling nak seronok pun lepak dekat rooftop dengan kawan-kawan
haa~ how I miss that moment.
pecah mangga loteng, pecah mangga bilik tayangan, pecah mangga wet world sebab nak fly malam
hehe. apa punya student la
now, bila dekat normal coed school mana boleh buat semua tu,
rindu dekat budak2 dorm,
yang ngigau tengah malam, cerita pasal mati before tidur, kena marah dengan senior bila buat nakal,
dorm kena sita sebab nakal sangat
apa nak buat,
we just can't be control.hehe
seniors can't even scares us huh.
girls, I miss you guys
bila nak jumpa lagi ni?
anyway this year SPM
next year we are goin to be out there
Allah please bless us, me, my friend, our family

masa zaman rebellious. malu pulak bila tengok balik

sungguh la rindu dekat mereka ni

back then in form one. first year in hostel muka semua innocent je
end here. 2133hrs
natasya izzati