Feb 25, 2016

gigi besi bila boleh buka?

I have an appointment with my dentist this weekend. I have an appointment with him every two weeks and it has been 2 years now. I'm sure I'm gonna miss the doc. He's old, but old is new :p

That's not the main idea of this post.

Last two weeks, I went to meet the dentist after 2 months delaying the appointment (I'm so busy, k)
So, it was Sunday and my mum was supposed to go out with pakcik after dropping off my sister at work. I decided to come along. Pakcik suggested us to go for breakfast first but I said I can't eat before meeting the doctor. At that time, he reminded me to arwah papa. He always suggested us to go eat the famous lontong Klang at nearby stall first before going to the clinic. And, selalu mesti kena dengar cakap dia and I'll ended up meeting the doc dengan gigi kotor. ish ish

I want to continue but I feel demotivated suddenly.
I'll continue the story later (maybe :p)

It's late and I need my beauty sleep.

dream and hope,