Filling up the options for UPU application after SPM isn't a simple chore. You have to reallyyy reallyyy think about what you reallyyy reallyyy want to do, what you really really want to learn. Yes, it is true that what you study will not determine your future career, but what you choose determine what you are going to learn, the knowledge that you're going to add up in you.
You have 8 options, and the first option is the most important one because that's usually what you want to do most. Ada rezeki, you might get what you realllyyy want, and if you don't get what you reallyyy hope for, it doesn't mean your future ends there. Just go for it because who knows, that might be your real destiny. We don't know the future, Allah SWT knows. The best thing you can do is, to ALWAYS work hard in anything you do, to always LOVE anything you do and remember, Allah is always with you whenever you feel helpless or demotivated. Pray, read the Quran, zikir. That's the best therapy in life, said anyone who has tried it and I have. It works, ALL the time. You want more energy to go through the busy, hectic days? Read Quran after Subuh. One page wont take that long to finish.
I am in no place to talk about this kind of thing, I have lots of sins. I have. But this is just a mere advice, from a human being to another human being. Reminder from a Muslim to another Muslim. May our life, always be blessed.
Anyway, choosing what you want to study in university isn't everything about life. There's more. As you grow up, you will go through lots and lots types of days. And just don't give up. Other people can why cant us, aite? Cheers to our future life! :)
dream and live