Am I getting it right? Hmmm
I looked at my reflection on the mirror. I can't see me.
The longer I looked at it, the more it fades.
I'm not sure what stage of life am I experiencing right now, but I know that I'm lost.
I wish for light, but I ignore it every time I see it.
I fight from loneliness, but being lonely is what I used to be.
Is the life I live now the life that I would live for the rest of my life?
Would I stop doing the things I shouldn't do?
Or would I quit life in the middle?
I feel high sometimes, feeling ecstasy.
I wish for more,
I want to challenge more.
All that I do, is to satisfy myself.
But do I feel satisfied?
Will I ever get enough?
For being a sinner,
I still pray to God to get me out of this.
But if heart is half willing,
Even if the chances are numerous,
I will never get out.
Blinded, cuffed.
You should look at me now.
I wish for things to get better,
And that is my earnest wish.