Jul 17, 2016

let the sun shines

"The moment that you feel that just possibly, you are walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself, that's the moment you may be starting to get it right."

Am I getting it right? Hmmm

I looked at my reflection on the mirror. I can't see me.
The longer I looked at it, the more it fades.

I'm not sure what stage of life am I experiencing right now, but I know that I'm lost.
I wish for light, but I ignore it every time I see it.
I fight from loneliness, but being lonely is what I used to be.
Is the life I live now the life that I would live for the rest of my life?
Would I stop doing the things I shouldn't do?
Or would I quit life in the middle?

I feel high sometimes, feeling ecstasy.
I wish for more,
I want to challenge more.
All that I do, is to satisfy myself.
But do I feel satisfied?
Will I ever get enough?

For being a sinner,
I still pray to God to get me out of this.
But if heart is half willing,
Even if the chances are numerous,
I will never get out.
Blinded, cuffed.

You should look at me now.

I wish for things to get better,
And that is my earnest wish.
