Mar 25, 2017

I need bear hugs

Things are going on in my head but it is kind of difficult to put it into words these days.

Too much is going on, I reckon. 

Too much happiness that making me scared. 

Scared that if I close my eyes, it will all suddenly disappeared.

His lovely face.

His gentle eyes.

His sweet smile.

His addictive smell. 

His intense gaze.

His firm grip when he holds my hand. 

His passionate kisses when he kisses me with his soft lips. 

His perfect thrusts when he takes me to the world of fantasy and pleasure. 

He is diamond. 

He is just a real booster when it comes to make me happy and I recklessly falling in love every time.

Every time. 

I wish I can throw away all of the sadness in my life and be his happy pills, but sometimes I am just the scoop of poison that he just have to swallow in order to keep me alive, am I?

I hope, I pray, this is not a dream.

Stay with me will you?

Do you hear me darling? 

Do you?
dreams, hugs and kisses,